How do I verify my identity?

To verify your account, you must confirm your identity by sending us a copy of your Cedula de Ciudadania card (for Colombian nationals), Cedula de Extranjeria card (for non-Colombian nationals) or Cedula de Extranjeria, Temporary Protection Permit (PPT) or Special Permit to Stay (PEP) (for Venezuelan nationals living in Colombia) within 30 days of signing up.

You can send us your documents via:

We will need to verify your documents, which may take 24 hours if the document is sent from your account via the site or 36 hours if your document was sent to us by post. Once your documents have been verified, your account will be fully active and you will be able to deposit, play and withdraw winnings from your account.

You will have a grace period of 30 days after account registration to complete the verification. You will be able to deposit and play on your account, however, you will not be able to withdraw your winnings until the verification is completed.

If the verification of your account is not completed within the 30-day grace period, your account will be closed.

For further info on the processing of data during the verification process, please check our Terms and Conditions.